I wanted to share a couple of photos I took a few years ago when I worked in a childcare centre near Melbourne Victoria.

I wanted to share a couple of photos I took a few years ago when I worked in a childcare centre near Melbourne Victoria.

The building was more than 100 years old and the babies room I was running at the time, had a history of strange noises and things happening which I had witnessed myself.

Then one day, I held an event for Mother’s Day and was taking photos. It wasn’t until I got home and sorted through them that I noticed the grey woman in the background seemingly wearing glasses and a cloak of some kind and tending to an also grey child.

These photos were taken approximately 10 seconds apart, and when staff and i recreated the position of the grey people, there was no way they could have been standing there because of a shelf that was lower and out of the image frame. Plus there was no one there that day, that looked like these people.






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