What my wife’s rejection taught me about self-worth

My wife Emma has always been admired for her unique sense of style and inspiring self-confidence. However, her confidence was shaken after a humiliating encounter at a lingerie store.

Emma, excited about a job opening at the store, asked the sales assistant how to apply. Instead of responding professionally, the assistant sneered and said, “You’re not pretty enough for this job. Don’t even try.” Devastated, Emma came home in tears, and I was furious at such cruelty.

Determined to help her regain her confidence, I enlisted my friend Mike, a talent scout, to teach the assistant a lesson. The next day, we visited the store. Mike introduced himself as a scout looking for a new model, and the assistant eagerly tried to impress him. After some time, Mike told her, “Sorry, you’re not what we’re looking for.” Then, pretending to notice Emma for the first time, he praised her beauty and suggested she could be a model. Emma smiled as the assistant fumed, receiving a taste of her own behavior.

While Emma felt a little sorry for the assistant, the experience helped her realize that her self-worth isn’t determined by others’ opinions but by her inner confidence.






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