A busy son placed his mother in a nursing home after his father passed, visiting her only occasionally. One day, he received a call that her health was failing rapidly. Rushing to her side, he tearfully asked if there was anything he could do for her.
The mother, with a piercing look, made a few requests. She asked for the fans to be replaced, as she often struggled to breathe, and for the refrigerator to be changed, as it spoiled her food. Surprised and heartbroken, the son asked why she hadn’t mentioned this earlier.
Looking directly at him, she replied, “I know I will die, but I think of you when your children won’t want you next to them either… And they will bring you here. Then you will find better conditions. What you offer is what you get. Don’t forget that.”
Her words shattered the son’s heart, leaving him with deep regret for not keeping her close in her final years, realizing too late the consequences of his choices.
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